This is a great first sentence in the article: "Pity the poor first-time home buyer in California"
Hey everybody, this is my blog. I don't know how often I'll update it, but I think I'll post interesting links here every now and then that you definately must read. Don't skip any of them, no matter how long the article is, okay? Thanks.
Here's a quote: "After finding food, scout bees returning to the hive dance on the vertical walls of the honeycomb. A round dance indicates the food is very close, within 35 yards or less. A figure-eight pattern indicates that the food is farther away. The bee indicates the distance to the food by how long it dances; it indicates the food's richness by how vigorously it dances; and it indicates the food's direction by the angle the dance deviates from an imaginary line drawn from the current position of the sun to the dance floor. The code is complex and detailed."
Here's a quote from an article by Nina Bradley: “It is important to sit down as a couple and resolve what appeals to you. Make sure the wedding is reflecting what the bride and groom really want, and sometimes that concept gets lost," added Nay.
When my mother has insisted on certain things that she thinks we “must have” at our upcoming wedding, I tell her that this is my wedding day. She’s already had hers. If Wilbanks did not want 600 guests seeing her in her gown, she should have said something."