Random Links I Found

Hey everybody, this is my blog. I don't know how often I'll update it, but I think I'll post interesting links here every now and then that you definately must read. Don't skip any of them, no matter how long the article is, okay? Thanks.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Bring back the 40-hour workweek -- and let us take a long vacation - Los Angeles Times
I think I agree with almost every bullet point of this guy!
"Almost 40% of us are working more than 50 hours a week, not exactly what the Fair Labor Standards Act intended when it set the 40-hour workweek in 1938. Chronic 11- and 12-hour days result in lousy productivity, expensive mistakes, burnout, triple the risk of heart attack and quadruple the risk of diabetes � and families without a quorum for dinner. Two-thirds of people who work more than 40 hours a week report being highly stressed."
Psychiatry's sick compulsion: turning weaknesses into diseases - Los Angeles Times
Excellent article! Great quotes from the article: "As it turns out, the association has been inventing mental illnesses for the last 50 years or so."
"Unlike the rest of medicine, psychiatry diagnoses behavior that society doesn't like. Yesterday it was homosexuality. Tomorrow it will be homophobia."
"The erosion of personal responsibility is, arguably, the most pernicious effect of the expansive role psychiatry has come to play in American life. It has successfully replaced huge chunks of individual accountability with diagnoses, clinical histories and what turn out to be pseudoscientific explanations for deviant behavior. "
Self-help's big lie - Los Angeles Times
Excellent article explaining how telling kids to have "self-esteem" actually impairs them and puts them at a disadvantage.