Random Links I Found

Hey everybody, this is my blog. I don't know how often I'll update it, but I think I'll post interesting links here every now and then that you definately must read. Don't skip any of them, no matter how long the article is, okay? Thanks.

Friday, June 23, 2006

No-Fault Divorce--The End of Marriage?

Al Mohler on Divorce: "Where are our pastors on the question of divorce? Why are so many pulpits silent on this issue? The obvious answer is fear and intimidation. Divorce has become so common that many Christian leaders fear creating a tidal wave of offense and resentment if they deal honestly with the issue--or address it at all. Accordingly, successive generations of Christians have now grown to adulthood believing that divorce is simply a lifestyle option. Where is the recognition that divorce is an affront to the glory of God and a sin that is expressly described in the Bible as an evil that God hates?" Amen!

Netflix may launch movie download service

Here's a no-brainer duh move. Finally!! The other 2 services out there stink so bad I actually switched to using the mail to get movies... finally I can go back to the way movies are supposed to be rented... online! Yay!